Frequently Asked Questions

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SubscriptionRefundFree TrialPhonetic Transcription TranslatorPremium features: high-quality computer-generated audio and automatic translationGuest posts and link sharing
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How do the premium features work?

On June 15th 2020 we added two premium features on

  1. high-quality computer-generated audio
  2. automatic translation of text into your native language

These two features are powered by Google and Amazon. Each time you generate an audio in phonetic converter or translate a text into your native language, we have to pay one of these companies.

For this reason there's a monthly limit of 200,000 characters for each feature. It's a lot even if you use them on a day to day basis. On the other hand if you start converting all your books into audio, you will probably run out of your limit pretty soon.

You can check the usage statistics in your account in the section "Activity Log".

The premium features are only available with the recurrent subscription Premium (monthly or yearly).

Please note one thing about computer-generated audio. Each time you submit a text, all your previous audio recordings are deleted. In case you need the audio, please make sure you save it before submitting a new text.

I don't need the premium features. What happens with my subscription, if I subscribed before June 15 2020?

Everything remains the same.

As long as your subscription remains active, you will retain access to all the features that you paid for when you first subscribed. That includes access to the phonetic transcription translators and our constantly growing database of audio/video recordings of words.

If you bought a lifetime access, you will never be charged again.

I do need the premium features. How can I upgrade if I bought the subscription before June 15 2020?

Upgrading from a recurrent subscriptions (monthly or yearly)

We increased the price of the subscription Premium to compensate for the cost of the premium features. Regardless of the type of subscription you have right now, you need to do the following:

  1. cancel your subscription,
  2. wait until the end of the billing cycle,
  3. subscribe to Premium.

If it's been less than 7 days since your last payment, please contact us - we can send you a refund for this last payment.

Upgrading from a lifetime access

You will see a discount for the recurrent subscription Premium. Please make sure you log in to see it. The discount will be higher during the first 2 weeks after the release of the premium features. We recommend you upgrade your subscription as soon as possible.

Note that even if you cancel your recurrent subscription Premium in the future, you still retain your lifetime access to the features that you paid for when you subscribed for the first time. That includes access to the phonetic transcription translators and our constantly growing database of audio/video recordings of words.