Practice French Listening Skills Online
Frequently Asked Questions about this listening test
Each level has approximately 650 French words. All words were taken from our French Pronunciation Trainer.
When you practice your French listening skills with this test, we want you to be fully immersed in French. English controls may distract you and hinder your progress. Therefore, all controls are displayed in French. The English translations for all the options and the buttons you may see during the test are shown below:
- Quel son avez-vous entendu ? [kɛl sɔ̃n ave-vu ɑ̃tɑ̃dy ?] = Which sound did you hear?
- Afficher la traduction [afiʃe la tʁadyksjɔ̃] = Show the translation
- Envoyer [ɑ̃vwaje] = Submit
- Suivant [sɥivɑ̃] = Next
- Afficher les résultats [afiʃe le ʁezylta] = Show the results
- Exercez-vous sur les mêmes mots de nouveau ! [ɛɡzɛʁse-vu syʁ le mɛm mo də nuvo!] = Practice the same words again!
- Débuter un nouveau questionnaire ! [debyte ɛ̃ nuvo kwiz!] = Start a new test!
- Écouter [ekute] = Listen
- Regarder [ʁəɡaʁde] = Watch
- Lentement [lɑ̃tmɑ̃] = Slowly
- Vous avez répondu correctement à 9 questions sur 10 ! [vuz‿ave ʁepɔ̃dy kɔʁɛktəmɑ̃ a nœf kɛstjɔ̃ syʁ dis !] = You answered 9 questions out of 10 correctly!
All sound pairs inside each category are sorted by their frequency: the most common ones appear in the beginning and the least common ones appear at the end.
The test algorithm chooses the same number of words for each sound from each pair. For example, if you practice the sounds [b]/[p] and choose 20 questions, the test will have ten words with the sound [b] and ten words with [p].
However there are exceptions to this rule. Some sounds, such as [ɲ], are rare in French – there are only three words with this sound in the beginner's section. If you want to practice these types of sounds, you can choose more advanced levels.
By the way, all sound pairs inside each category are sorted by their frequency: the most common ones appear in the beginning and the least common ones appear at the end.
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