EasyPronunciation.com becomes even more mobile-friendly
Over the last 8 years, we received a lot of feature requests from our users. Most of them are implemented on our website. However, now the pages with phonetic converters became somewhat cluttered, especially on mobile devices.
We decided to approach all elements on each page critically, asking ourselves - do people really need this? If the answer was no, then we added an option to hide this element.
Some elements can be shown or hidden by checking the advanced options. The display of some elements can be adjusted by going to "My Account" ➔ "Customize my experience".
Recently we added options to select the background color, change the site font or switch to compact layout specially designed for mobile devices.
You can also hide voices (both text-to-speech and real people) that you don't like and leave only the ones that you do like.
If you have comments and suggestions about your experience on EasyPronunciation.com, please feel free to contact us.