Search by tags: stress

A new tool for German language learners and... computer games?

There's a lot of people all around the world who learn German. 17% of the registered users on indicated in their profile that they are interested in the German... Read more

Tags: German, German phonetics, German pronunciation, stress, language learning, computer games


Updates in tool that inserts stress marks into Russian words

There are some improvements in the tool that inserts stress marks into Russian words. The major one is the possibility to restore letter "ё" in Russian words.... Read more

Tags: Russian, Russian phonetics, Russian pronunciation, stress


Official opening of the site

The site is officially opened! At the same time I introduce 3 new online tools that will help you to learn foreign languages: A tool that automatically inserts stress marks into... Read more

Tags: Russian, Russian phonetics, Russian pronunciation, stress, English, English phonetics, English pronunciation, IPA translator, subtitle converter, Chinese, HSK test, word frequency counter