Monthly meetings for premium subscribers are replaced by one-on-one meetings

I decided to replace monthly meetings for premium subscribers by one-on-one meetings. Monthly meetings were organized only once a month every third Sunday at 9 AM Pacific Time. This time was not very practical for some people, especially folks living in Asia. With one-on-one meetings you will have much more flexibility – there will be… Continue reading Monthly meetings for premium subscribers are replaced by one-on-one meetings

A new section in our FAQ – How to generate audio?

We added a new section in our FAQ entitled “How can I generate audio?“ There are several situations where you can generate audio on Most people were generating audio for their text in our IPA phonetic translators. Now there’s a section in the FAQ that explains in details how you can generate audio for… Continue reading A new section in our FAQ – How to generate audio?

Updates in German phonetic translator

We updated the algorithm of our German phonetic translator. Here are some of the new features: Overall there’s a 10-15% increase in quality of the phonetic transcription. We are still working on the solution to add the support for compounds words. Stay tuned! 🙂