Chinese Dictionaries in Pinyin Translator Updated!

I updated all Chinese dictionaries in Chinese pinyin translator That includes: CC-CEDICT for English – CC-Canto for Cantonese pronunciations – HanDeDict for German – CFDICT for French – BKRS for Russian – If you’re interested in learning Chinese, the Chinese pinyin translator will be a huge asset to your… Continue reading Chinese Dictionaries in Pinyin Translator Updated!

Improved Chinese Pinyin Translator!

I improved the algorithm of Chinese pinyin translator that highlights in different colors words required for HSK test. The main problem was that official HSK vocabulary lists don’t include a lot of very popular words, such as 你们, 这儿, 大学, 汉字 to name just a few. So I started to create my custom extended vocabulary… Continue reading Improved Chinese Pinyin Translator!