I updated French Phonetic Dictionary. The pronunciations of 507 French words were added. The total number of words is now 23,777. We’re only gong to keep adding to our French Phonetic Dictionary to help language learners out there by offering a tool which really can help with French pronunciation. Check out our French Pronunciation course… Continue reading Updates to French Phonetic Dictionary – Improve Your French Pronunciation
Tag: French Phonetics
The French Phonetic Dictionary 1.8 released
The French Phonetic Dictionary 1.8 released (24,325 words). After a discussion we decided to keep the phonetic symbol [œ̃] for the combinations of letters “un” (“aucun”) and “um” (“humble”). Now there’s an option in French phonetic translator that allows you to use this symbol in such cases. This French dictionary serves as a top notch… Continue reading The French Phonetic Dictionary 1.8 released