Up until now the punctuation marks were preserved when you converted a text to phonetic transcription. Yesterday we added a new option which allows you to either keep punctuation marks in phonetic transcription or remove them. If you choose an option to display the phonetic transcription under each paragraph of text or to display only… Continue reading An option to keep punctuation in phonetic transcription
Month: March 2021
More text-to-speech voices
We added several more voices on our website: 4 American English 1 British English 1 European Spanish The total number of high-quality text-to-speech voices on EasyPronunciation has reached 101. Enjoy!
More options for customizing your experience
We added even more options that allow you to customize your experience on EasyPronunciation.com. Now you can choose one of 7 beautiful fonts provided by Google, including serif, sans serif and monospace. You can set the background color of your liking.. You can hide a lot of elements on the pages with phonetic converters. Another… Continue reading More options for customizing your experience