We have great news for people who learn Spanish. Miguel Lescano authorized us to use his Spanish word frequency list SpanishInput on EasyPronunciation.com. It’s available in:
Month: September 2023
Recent updates: Bootstrap 5.3, signups, and other
On Saturday we released several updates. Here’s the summary:
Stressed and unstressed retroflex schwa sound in American English
Up until now the only way how unstressed retroflex schwa sound could be displayed in our English phonetic translator was /ɚ/. In Unicode this symbol is called “schwa with hook”. For stressed retroflex sound there were two options: One of our users mentioned that the official IPA versions with diacritic /ɜ˞/ and /ə˞/ were missing… Continue reading Stressed and unstressed retroflex schwa sound in American English
Learn a language and stay healthy
I love learning foreign languages. There are so many beautiful and exciting things going on while you learn to speak and understand a language that is not your mother tongue. We all know that it takes time to really master a language. In this short post, I want to discuss a little bit how you… Continue reading Learn a language and stay healthy