We are updating the word frequency counters

During the last weeks we’ve been working hard on our Word Frequency Counters.

Here’s the list of the most important updates so far:

– We increased the number of frequency intervals from 5 to 10. Now the counter will highlight in different colors the 10,000 most frequently used words.

– For English, French, and Italian we introduced an algorithm that analyzes the words with hyphens. Now the words like “that”, “that’s” and “that’s” will be counted as one word.

– Now you can see the list of words for each interval. Before it was only possible in Chinese and Japanese word counters.

Japanese word frequency counter leaves beta.

During the next weeks, we plan to add the following features:

– the ability to set a custom color for each frequency interval

– the ability to set the number of frequency intervals

– and… (drum roll)… real-time word frequency highlight! That means you will be able to see the frequency of each word while you are typing the text.